What The Heck is Encaustic ?


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this painting is being made with encaustic 
encaustic paint is made with beeswax dimar   crystals and pigment you can use powdered pigments 
or artist oil-based paints encaustic liquefies and   is workable at degrees i was inspired to learn 
more about encaustic after seeing the flag and   target paintings by Jasper Johns the image in this 
painting is inspired by the color field painters   of the 1950s and 60s artists like Mark Rothko 
Kenneth Nolan Morris Lewis and Joseph Albers   you can do a google search on the artist i 
just mentioned to see some of their artwork   learn more about encaustics and color field 
paintings this has been an art minute by   Jon Peters i hope you enjoyed it and it's 
inspired you to spend some time in the studio.

pexels photo 2219024

As found on YouTube

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