Framing Nailer: Which One To Buy In 2022 #milwaukeetools #dewalt #construction


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Do you need a framing nailer? In this video, we’re going to compare three of the most popular framing nailers on the market: the DeWalt and Milwaukee. We’ll look at their features, discuss their pros and cons, and help you decide which one is right for you.

Whether you’re building a new house or just repairing a damage, a framing nailer is a essential tool. In this video, we’re going to help you find the right framing nailer for your needs and help you choose the perfect model for your needs. Thanks for watching!

So I hear you want to get rid of the old Ball and chain the old air compressor And want to go cordless so do you want To go with the Milwaukee or do you want To go with DeWalt let’s talk about it on Today’s menu we have the Milwaukee and The DeWalt framing nailers both really Good selections however there are Drawbacks to each one so the question is Which one should you buy let’s talk About some of the drawbacks first Drawback number one on the Milwaukee That is that you can only put one Rack In here at a time despite the fact that This thing looks like it can do two Racks now I have seen a hack on YouTube Where you can actually get two racks in This thing here but you have to modify Your clip I’m not really wanting to do That because I don’t want to avoid the Warranty in case this thing breaks down It is a few hundred bucks so you can Purchase an additional clip that is Extended and take this clip off and put The extended clip on I would say this is A thumbs down on Milwaukee for even Doing that they should have made it able To hold at least two clips and then if Somebody wanted to buy the extension Clip then they could have bought that And get three Clips in there but if You’re not an everyday framer if you’re Not putting in thousands and thousands Of nails you’re just doing like I do

Which is a lot of basements and some Minimal framing then I just didn’t Bother buying the extra extended clip I Go with this it gets the job done the Other thing that is bad about the Milwaukee Option here is the weight of this thing Is quite Hefty now for me it’s not a big Deal I kind of look at it as like hey I Don’t got to go to the gym today because I’m framing so I’m going to be doing Curls with this thing it is pretty hefty I’ll put the weight of it up here versus Dewalts offering which is still Significantly heavier than your Compressor nail gun but it is I would Say at least a couple pounds lighter Than the Milwaukee option So those are the two things I don’t like About Milwaukee is the fact that they Don’t give you an extended clip right Off of the gate they’re kind of Upselling you to purchase more additions To this I would say Milwaukee you’re Making enough money as is take care of Your customers you you build up a Beautiful product but don’t upsell us Don’t make us have to go spend more Money it’s already the most expensive Option out there on the market so just Give us what we need to actually be Successful in it and then the weight now I I can deal with the weight just being The fact that it performs so well I do

Wish that they could figure out a way to Make it a little bit lighter as long as It continued to have the durability that This Beast has now let’s move over here To dewalt’s offering so it is lighter It’s pretty well balanced there is a Couple of things that I don’t like about This and number one is it’s ramp up Noise but you’ll hear here just in a Second and then number two is it has Some reliability issues and this is Actually my very first cordless framing Nailer I framed a bunch of basements With this it did get the job done I Can’t hate on it but I don’t ever use it Anymore it’s been replaced with the Milwaukee and I’ll explain to you why so Let’s get right into some testing on This things first let me show you on the Batteries this is the Milwaukee M18 XC 5.0 and it is fully charged and this is The XR 20 volt 4 amp hour from DeWalt And it is fully charged one additional Thing that I do like about the DeWalt Versus the Milwaukee is it is a one Button push to pull this battery out Comes out very easily I do not like how Milwaukee designed theirs with the two Buttons That you have to push simultaneously And then you can see again this thing Does not come out very easily so I don’t Like that especially when it’s on the Job site and it’s getting dusty and

Dirty and everything else The other thing that I don’t like about Milwaukee is you have to push the power Button and hold it to turn it on and Then you have to push and hold the mode Button in order to get it to go to Rapid Fire automatic whereas with DeWalt once You put it in it is ready to go And there is the dreaded ramp up and it Takes forever for it to ramp back down It is such an annoying sound So now We are going With two and a half inch nails don’t Have many left in both of these guns I Do have some smaller ones and actually These are three inch so these are three Inch and we’re going to put it into this Four by four nose it’s an old shelf that I had done some sugar Bond on so we’ll See how well these handle well let’s Start out with DeWalt number one Three People Okay Well It did a pretty decent job it it does Not like to go as fast as what you’ll See on the Milwaukee it takes a little Bit longer in between each nail and it Did have a few problems getting the Nails all the way down now let’s check Out The Beast

So you can see you can go much much Faster with the Milwaukee framing nailer I did get a little bit of bounce on this One right here but all the rest of them Are sunk all the way in which is nice And thousands of nails have gone through This thing I don’t think it’s ever once Jammed the reason why I switched over to Milwaukee was because of this gun right Here this gun jams so much That I would spend probably a quarter of My time pulling jams out of this thing Instead of just nailing and so this one Has never given me that problem so the Extra weight and the heft I don’t really Like but it saves me time because it Just doesn’t Jam it’s it’s a better Quality and it doesn’t have that Annoying ramp up so overall I would say Pros and cons to both if you’re in the DeWalt you know ecosystem or if you’re In the Milwaukee ecosystem already and You have thousands and thousands of Dollars invested in batteries and Everything else then yeah I would say go Ahead with this but if you’re just Starting out It’s a little bit more pricey it’s Heavier you do have to buy an extended Clip to get two two belts in there And the battery in and out is a little Bit of a pain but I mean how many times Are you actually doing that I’ve framed Out for six or seven hours at a time and

With one of these 5.0 batteries have Lasted the entire time I’ve you know Have to change it at the end of the day It’s dead by then but they hold up Really well and you can even put in Bigger batteries but then you’re just Adding more weight which it’s already Heavy as it is so I would say if you’re Just starting out start with Milwaukee It’s not going to jam it’s a better Better product overall better quality But if you’re already into Walt then go Ahead and stick with the wall hope this Video was helpful and if it was like That button and subscribe see you guys In the next video

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