Fix 2 Common Problems with the Milwaukee M18 FUEL Brad Nailer 2746-20 Gen2. BEST 18v Brad Nailer!

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today we're going to be talking about the Milwaukee M18 18 gauge uh brad nailer uh this is number 2746 20. I've actually had this for you know over a year now and I've used it from various different projects there's a couple common problems I hear people talking about I want to help you kind of solve those uh you know problems here today in this video uh but first if you're new to the channel at the end of the video you know if this information is useful you know please give me the thumbs up if you're interested in more content like this uh you know please hit that subscribe button uh you know it really helps the channel one of the first uh you know common problems I hear people talking about on this is it jams well I want to be clear on you know this is the Gen 2 version not the Gen one the Gen 1 M18 uh 18 gauge brad nailer had different various problems I'm not going to be going through those you know those today you know obviously there's other reviews out there to talk about this this one's been out for a couple years now so most likely if you're in the market for one of these this is going to be the one that's going to be for sale uh you know at your local you know Home Improvement store there so uh as far as Nails jamming in this gen too what I found out it's not really the gun it's the nails now you think you know that's sounds crazy enough but you know I've done enough testing with this thing that these DeWalt brad nails are terrible you know you put these things in here you're going to go through Maybe a half a sleeve and you're going to get a constantly jamming for those of you that don't uh you know what I mean by jamming essentially what happens on this top part up here uh a nail Jam in there you think you're actually driving nails into a baseboard or whatever you're using this for and there's actually nothing's coming out so it's essentially just jammed in there and it's stuck you got to pull this off and you'll pop it out and you know Etc there so uh you're issuing on the Gen 2 uh version is not the gun it's the nails do not use these DeWalt Nails I even you know had a had someone else I was talking to you know literally a couple weeks ago that even on their DeWalt uh you know uh nailer they had the exact same problem so for me these work you know fine in my you know some of my air tools that I've used over years but not in this too so if if you're using these nails and you're getting things jammed up this is probably your problem so what I recommend is uh some of the ones that I've actually had good success were are you know some of these Hitachi uh you know Nails these have worked good you know I went through packages many packages these without a single jam with this first of all I'm using these I've had a GM you know literally every every five minutes so some of the other ones you know the Porter Cable you know those seem to be fine as well I've used those various times and I didn't have any issues with those so number one if you're having jamming problems with this Gen 2 try a different you know nail so you know again Hitachi and Porter Cable are the two I've tried I'm sure there's many others out there that uh you know would also work as well but do not use these over here in the yellow box because those will cause you nothing but problems the second issue is uh you know that I hear people talking about is the depth adjustment so you know if you're not familiar with the depth adjustment on these you know essentially it's you know just a dial over here that you know it's plus and minus right you're driving a nail in there uh you know it's going too far you back it off you know you need to go on farther into the wood you know you increase it so uh you know obviously that's pretty straightforward and that works right now the one thing I will say that I've kind of you know figured out over the years is it depends on how uh how well you hold this tool and I and I guess a lack of better way to explain this is if I'm just kind of loosely holding my gun here what's going to happen when I press that trigger it's going to have a little bit of you know uh Kickback right so as you can imagine if you have any Kickback that's going to come in there it's not going to be all probably the maximum pressure that your depth is set to to drive that nail in there so essentially for if you're having issues with a depth adjustment and it seems like it's not driving them consistently in the in the uh you know in the wood the same depth try a couple rounds of of this where you actually hold the gun the exact same pressure against the wood uh for every single nail and I guarantee you 10 out of 10 you hold it the exact same way the exact same pressure it will go 10 out of 10 it will drive it that exact same depth every single time if you kind of like Loosely do a couple uh and I'll show you you know a couple examples here in a minute but if you kind of loosely do a couple uh and do it you'll see it won't go in as far right so uh you know again if you're having problems with depth you know adjustment don't think it's a gun don't think it's a you know adjustment try to focus on how you're holding that gun keep it consistent as far as the pressure you're holding against the wood and I guarantee you you'll have no problems with this all right so what we're going to be doing in this uh you know test here just to show you kind of the comparison of what I was kind of referring to there as far as the depth on how you hold the gun I'm going to be using some inch and a half Hitachi uh you know 18 gauge brad nails I just got a standard uh you know Poplar baseboard and a 2×4 here foreign so all of those ones right there that I just did I held the gun you know very similar to the pressure and as you noticed I've not adjusted the depth at all now watch when I when I just kind of loosely hold it here and watch how how uh much less that actually goes into the wood and there you can see from from that picture there literally every single one of them were out a little bit farther and it had nothing to do with me and adjusting it was how how Loosely I was holding the gun so now you can imagine in the real world uh you know experience with this if you're down there with baseboards you're always going to be in random corners and different areas so it's very very easy to not apply that same pressure uh you know on every single one of these so uh you know again you know as I mentioned uh you know don't kind of fault the gun as far as you know how it's putting it in there it's really how you're holding that that gun so focus on the pressure on how you're doing try to be consistent with it and I guarantee you you'll have good results with uh you know with the depth there and I've actually went through probably 5 000 Nails in this gun within the Hitachi and Porter Cable uh you know nails and I've had us not had a single Jam not had a single one that the depth was off right so uh but uh you know again you know those are the two biggest uh you know complaints that I hear about that other than that you know obviously you know like any tool there's a reason you know Milwaukee does uh you know warranties obviously there's always could be defects in in any product out there right but you know if you're having one of those two problems I guarantee you if you try you know from you know having issues with Jamie try different nails if you're having issues with the depth adjustment try holding the gun at the same you know pressure against the wood and I can almost guarantee you those two solutions will solve those two common problems that I see a lot of people talking about this uh you know this tool here holy that information uh you know was useful uh you know like I said if it was you know please give me the thumbs up you're interested more content uh you know please subscribe you know I actually have the M18 uh 16 gauge back here that we're not going to get in in into a review of that today uh but you know in the future you know that that's something I'll do a complete review on this some of the things I like about that one and some of the things uh you know I don't don't like about that one but again you know hopefully this information is useful uh and thanks for watching
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