⚡️Milwaukee 2846-20 Top Off Power Supply⚡️


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Milwaukee 2846-20 Top Off Power Supply

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Hello everybody and welcome to Tony’s Reviews if you’re new to my Channel Please hit the Subscribe button Hello Friends and welcome to Tony’s reviews Today we’re gonna be checking out the Milwaukee M18 top off this is a power Inverter 175 watt it’s things that maybe Don’t require a super amount of power You’ll be able to plug these things into This and use them and right here it Gives you a little bit of specs on these Things it tells you like a television Will last for 280 minutes there’s some Other specs on there how many times you Can charge you know a cell phone that Sort of thing like 15 times I think That’s what they estimate you can see Right here it’s got the standard 15 amp 120 plug-in and then it’s also got the USB A and C on here so you can plug into Those just do a quick unboxing and you Can see here uh you see it a little Clear there’s buttons here there’s one On here for a plug-in and there’s one For USB so once you get a battery Attached to this thing you’ll be able to You know use this thing however you like So make a choice then plug something in And then hopefully either charge it or Be able to you know just use the item I’ve talked to people that have used These on work sites I think most people Are using them for lighting or for fans When you get when your power goes out it

Gets pretty boring you know you might Need to charge a cell phone or something Or maybe you want to watch TV well you Don’t have an option right so hopefully With this thing I’ll be able to plug Into this and be able to watch TV and Use internet you know for a little while At least until the power comes back on Or at least until it’s time for bed or Whatever see here in the back these just Snap together real easy Snaps on and now we’re gonna turn this Baby on To power plug I’m going to plug this Into my power strip out here to my TV And my internet and we’re going to see How long this fully charged Milwaukee 5.0 battery alright so right here we’ve Got my television set I think this is a 55 inch LED a fairly light model I think I’ve had this one now for about a year And right here I’ve got my internet They’ll go into this power strip right Here so I’m going to plug them both into This baby and we’re going to let this Thing go for as long as it can right now Foreign And I’m just going to pick a playlist And Let It Go We’re gonna watch Tony’s reviews till This thing right here loses power The time right now is 4 49 p.m and we Will check the time as soon as it shuts Off

The ventilation system and this thing’s Working I can feel the fan you can hear The fan I can feel the fan And I thought you know it’s been a few Minutes it’s now 5 16 started at 4 49. I Want to check the battery on this thing And it was fully charged And now it’s on that and it’s flashing I’ve had the internet going and TV see How much longer we get out of this Okay so the time is now 5 19. I think This kicked off about 5 18. okay so Using this on TV and internet at the Same time lasted for about a half an Hour so uh I have to admit I was also Using the internet to play Bingo on my Phone the whole time that I had this Thing going so this was pulling juice Also I guess from using the internet Okay next up we’re gonna take another Fully charged 5.0 battery and just have It plugged up to the TV and see how long That lasts okay you can see I’m using a Standard M18 Milwaukee charger here I’m Just going to set this on here and get This thing charging okay batteries fully Charged again we’re gonna see how long The TV can last plugged in All right now the TV is the only thing Plugged into this Watch a little TV and see how long this Battery lasts got the full charges 908. Well it’s 9 51 now and this thing just Shut off so the TV is off now so we got

About 41 minutes out of this thing this Is only a 5.0 battery so if you were Using like let’s say a 12.0 battery I’m Guessing a 12.0 battery would be good For a little more than an hour okay Fully charged battery let’s hook it up To a fan one thing I think is nice is This thing does offer uh you know the Grounded Part of the plug so that’s cool so you Can plug pretty much anything into this And then we click on power got the power Going we’re going to turn the fan in and Please don’t ask me if this is really Grounded or not all right let’s I’ve got This fan going on medium and we’re going To see how long this battery will last Just now got started Time is 502. See if we can get some time out of this Some people like fans for cooling some People like to sleep with a fan on uh You know you might not might need a fan For different reasons but anyway we’re Going to see how long this thing will go It’s 502 and we’ll see how much time we Get out of this battery with this fan on Medium all right fan just shut off and It is 5 43. Normally I’d be reaching for uh just my Regular Old Milwaukee drill but you know Since we have the plug-in option now I’m Going to reach for my old drill here That’s a plug-in style and we’re just

Going to see If it still has any power we’ll just Give it a good listen here all right so I plugged this power drill into this Thing And uh you can see here that It will not work Uh I’m pushing the button right here I’m Not getting anything out of this and I’m Actually getting looks like a warning Light here on the battery itself or on The charger itself and I guess it’s Kicked it off So This is I guess definitely something you Cannot do is use a power drill with this And I’m sure it has something to do with The wattage and the amp pool and all That sort of thing but anyway it’s a No-go with this Yeah so it almost starts to pull power But then it stops and then we saw that Warning on there I don’t know if that’s Dangerous or not don’t try that at home All right folks so we’ve had a chance to Check out this little M18 top off they Called the Milwaukee M18 top off this Thing seems to work really good for what I had to use it for obviously I probably Would have liked it to work longer but I Am using just the 5.0 batteries that’s Kind of like the standard battery that Most people that I know use and Construction work and that sort of thing

But they do make a 12.0 battery kind of Expensive but it probably from my Understanding since you know the the 5.0 Worked for a half an hour with TV and Internet that you know that you’d expect The 12.0 to possibly work for maybe an Hour 15 minutes or an hour and a half Now that’s not a guarantee I really Don’t know I’d like to test it though This is something that feels like it’s Well made I know they sell a lot of Imitations of these like on Amazon and Such and if you read make sure you read The reviews because on the on the off Brands you don’t hear very you don’t see Very many good reviews these on there on This one though I think that you know You’re probably going to see a lot of Good reviews my experience with this is Very short-lived but it’s very good also Some of the off-brand batteries for Milwaukee you’ll see some you know Really poor reviews on those as well but You know when it’s authentic Milwaukee And it’s authentic Milwaukee batteries You know you really can’t go wrong and For me this thing seems to work out Great I probably go ahead and purchase a 12.0 battery so that you know after Using this for maybe a half hour I don’t Have to shut everything off and then Plug another battery in but you know That’s an option folks if you know Anybody might need one of these please

Share this video out if you’d like to Buy one of these there will be an Amazon Link in the description of this video And also one of the comments if you Enjoyed this video today please hit the Thumbs up I want to thank you so much For tuning in to Tony’s reviews and God Bless you

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